Nashville Singer

Now/It's: An Interview with Kashena Sampson

A conversation with the Wild Heart singer about making it in Nashville and what lies on the horizon for her. She plays The Basement tomorrow night.

Now/It's: An Interview with Kashena Sampson

Now/It's: An Interview with Coco Reilly

An effort three years in the making, “Define You” by Coco Reilly is just the first of many tunes cementing her standing in East Nashville’s music scene. Photo by Marcus Maddox

Now/It's: An Interview with Coco Reilly

Now/It's: An Interview with Leah Blevins

We meet up with one of Nashville's most beloved singers, who takes us through her five year journey in Nashville that would eventually help the "God, Help Me" singer arrive at her most realized self. Insight and self discovery is in store. 

Now/It's: An Interview with Leah Blevins

Now/It's: An Interview with Corey Leiter

About as cool as they come, Corey Leiter is set to release his second full length, Son in the Sun, August 21st. He talks about life as a true independent artist, and the ways that he stays level in an otherwise hectic and unpredictable field. 

Now/It's: An Interview with Corey Leiter